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Dragon Ball Super: Superhero Time
In Dragon Ball Super: superhero time, the heroes are back and they're ready to take on a new threat. This time, they'll have to team up with some of the universe's strongest fighters to protect Earth from destruction. With exciting new transformations, powerful attacks, and non-stop action, Dragon Ball Super is sure to be one of the most electrifying shows on television!
Dragon Ball Super Hero release date was set for 11 June 2022. This special movie featured characters from both franchises teaming up to take on a powerful new enemy. The fate of the world hangs in the balance, and it's up to our heroes to save it. Super Hero Time is sure to be an unforgettable 99-minute watch for fans of both series.
The long-awaited sequel to the Dragon Ball Z anime, Dragon Ball Superhero Time picks up where the original series left off. After defeating Majin Buu, Goku and the other Z Fighters have settled into normal lives. However, a new threat arises in the form of Beerus, the God of Destruction.
To stop him from destroying the Earth, Goku must team up with Vegeta, his sworn rival, and harness the power of a new transformation: Super Saiyan God. Dragon Ball Super is an action-packed adventure that features all of the beloved characters from the original series, plus new faces and exciting new powers. Don't miss a minute of the action.
In Dragon Ball Super, the heroes are back and they're ready to take on a new threat. This time, they'll have to team up with some of the universe's strongest fighters to protect Earth from destruction. With exciting new transformations, powerful attacks, and non-stop action, Dragon Ball Super is sure to be one of the most electrifying shows on television.
Get your favorite mascot plush from Toyard and show your support for the Dragon Ball Superheroes! At Toyard, we make all types of Dragon Ball Super: Superhero time plushies, including Goku, Vegeta, Frieza, Cell, and Majin Buu. We also have a wide selection of enemy plushes, so you can also show your support for your favorite heroes from that series.
No matter which side you're on, pick up your favorite character's plush today!
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